"In every walk with nature one receives more than he seeks"
- J. Muir

Art Works Available for Purchase
Archival copies are available upon request on paper or canvas. All prints are made to order and take up to 2 weeks to arrive with the exception of the prints currently available listed under their respective photo. Click to enlarge for detail.
Art cards are available in 5"x7" on all pieces.

About Sharon
"I have always been a dreamer and the pull of nature is a part of me, the dreamer. I am mesmerized by its sight, sound and texture. The feel of cedar bark under my fingers, the smoothness of rocks worn by the elements. The sounds of crashing waves and the winds rustling the grasses. The hum or buzz of the cicadas and the bees on a hot, dry, summer day. The call of the red-winged blackbird, takes me to a special place in my childhood. Most of all it’s the way the sunlight illuminates and reveals a whole other world of intricacies and patterns, that surely would have been missed, sight unseen, without its kiss. I’ve been told I see things differently than others, so I feel compelled to share what I see and feel. Nature is my muse and paint and brush are my tools. For this is the dream, I dare to dream."
If there is an art work you're interested in purchasing, contact her using the form below today!